Maynard Lake Homeowners Association
Information about the Links in the Menu Bar
We thought it would be useful to provide some additional information about the many links provided in the MHLA website. These appear in the same order as on the menu bar.    If you're unfamiliar with this site, we suggest you drag this window to one side, so that you can see the menu bar and this window simultaneously. You can then activate the pull-down menu items while reading the sites' descriptions here.
Page Brief Description
News Communications during the past month - usually via email - from the Board, committees, MLHA members, etc., are collected here. Older postings, over the past few years, are also archived in a separate page.
News Archive Under the News menu item, this features a table of all news items run since Nov. 2009. Updated each time a news item occurs.
Maynard Lake
the menu bar "top link" for five sections concerning our subdivision:
Photographs A selection of images showcasing the natural beauty of Maynard Lake, along with a great slideshow!
Regattas Photographs from the annual July 4th MLHA Regattas
Our History A pictorial journey from the 1960s, when the lake was just a pit!
Lot Map The official map of our area, complete with platt numbers for all lots
Seawall Project The "photodocumentary" of our erosion control project, which began in 10/09 and ended in 8/11.
the menu bar "top link" for two new pages concerning Champaign and the surrounding communities:
Local Features A selection of links to local attractions, points of interest, etc.
"Official Links" Links to the sites for various governmental and city/county services
Newsletters Current and previous issues of the quarterly MLHA newsletter. Archive (all ever published) can be searched.
MHLA Mtg Minutes Minutes of the annual meetings of the Association, from 1996 to the present.
the menu bar "top link" for three important areas of regulations affecting MLHA members:
Lake Rules Regulations relating to the common areas, guests, swimming, boating, fishing, docks, and ice skating.
Covenants The restrictive covenants by which all residents agree to abide. Please review periodically.
By-Laws The laws and rules governing the internal affairs of the MHLA.
the menu bar "top link" for the two sections covering membership on the Board of Directors and major Committees:
Current Current members of the Board of Directors and the Architecture and Lake Committees.
Previous Lists Board composition since 1970. Also features listing of all MLHA members' total years of service in this way.