Maynard Lake is a subdivision of 117 single-family homes located southwest of Kirby and Duncan just west of the city of Champaign, Illinois. The Maynard Lake Homeown-ers Association, a non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, was formed in 1970 to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Maynard Lake. The neighborhood’s 18-acre lake is maintained by the Homeowners Association for the exclusive use of Maynard Lake residents and their guests.
We hope that the visitors to this site share the feeling of harmony, cohesiveness, and friendliness that we – the residents – and our guests enjoy on a daily basis by being able to share the wonderful experience of calling Maynard Lake home!
Thursday October 17th 7 pm Annual HOA Meeting
Thursday October 17th 7 pm Annual HOA Meeting [...]
Monday November 18th Annual Leaf Pickup
Monday November 18th Annual Leaf Pickup [...]